Reports / Utilities (Global) | Group Reports

The instructions in this article relate to Reports / Utilities Global and the Group optionThe icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search.

Group reports will print one consolidated report of the information for the buildings tagged. These reports may be run while other users are accessing buildings. If the building is locked, there will be a prompt to confirm what action is to be taken.  After printing each report, check the log for this report to see if any buildings were skipped.

Generate a Group Report

Group Reports may be produced to Screen, to Printer or to Excel upon completion. 

  1. Search or select Reports / Utilities (Global)
  2. Click Group to open the Groups Reports window.
  3. Select the required report and click OK.
  4. Select the required output method: Screen, Printer, or File (for Excel).
  5. Click Select Buildings to open the Building List window.
  6. Tag the required buildings (Ctrl + A to tag all) and click OK.
  7. Click Edit Limits.
  8. Double click in the field (or click the field and press Edit), some fields have a drop down to select or tag items and others will require a date.
  9. Click OK when finished.
  10. Click Proceed to produce report.

Group Reports Available

  • Activity Report
  • AGM Window/Noms Close (1980)
  • AGM Window/Noms Close (1997)
  • Amounts per Lot Report
  • Arrears Notice Report
  • Bank A/c Details Report
  • Bank Details + ABN + TFN
  • Budget Balance Report
  • Building Address Report
  • Cash Flow Management 
  • Contracts Details Report
  • Contracts Expiry Report
  • Creditor Activity Report
  • Creditor Balance Report
  • Creditor Balance Report - Aged
  • Creditors + Bank Balances Report
  • GST Setup Report
  • Inspections Details Report
  • Insurance Report
  • Insurance Report (No Name)
  • Insurance Claims Report
  • Insurance Claims Report + Remarks
  • Insurance Report (Broker)
  • Ledger A/C Balance Report
  • Ledger A/C Balance and Budget
  • Ledger A/c Bal and Last Year
  • Levy Generation Schedule
  • Management Fees Report
  • Managers Cheques Report
  • Management Fees Report Extend
  • Managers Reports
  • Master Building Report
  • Month End Status Report
  • Notes 
  • Office Bearers Report
  • Owner Balances Report
  • Owner Balances Report - Aged
  • Pages Printed Report
  • Pages Printed Report (Last Year)
  • Pages Printed Report (No A/c)
  • Roll Changes Report
  • Total Levies for Year
  • Transaction Extract Old Year
  • Transaction Extract Report
  • Unit Prices Report
  • Workers Comp Info
  • Workers Comp Report