Edit Log Report

This report will display the details of any transactions that have been edited manually.

Edit Log Report

  1. Open the Edit Log Report menu.
  2. In the Select A/c's tab, you can either tag specific codes or leave them all bank, which will display all codes.
  3. In the Set Limits tab, you can enter multiple filters to limit transactions are displayed in the report.
  4. Under the Conditions tab, the following can be adjusted:
    • Report Order: Select the appropriate sort order.
    • Ticking the Ignore No Prints tick box will display transactions that have been hidden in the Transaction Report Manager.
    • Include Sub-Headings will display any Header account codes applicable to the transactions.
    • Include Nil Amount Items
    • Prepare data for Printer
    • Add Account Names displays the account names when the Change View button is clicked in the report window (see step 7.)
  5. If you want to search multiple buildings, click the Change Building button and tag multiple or all buildings.
  6. Proceed to show all codes.
  7. In the new window you can click...
    • Change View, which will reveal more columns with further information
    • Export, which will open the report in Excel.
    • Print, which will print the report to the configured printer.

Example: Edit Log Transaction List report