
The instructions in this article relate to PaymentsThe icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop and in GLMax or found using the StrataMax Search.

The Payments menu is used to create payments that have been saved in the Creditor Invoices and Payment Entry menus, and create EFT, cheques and BPay payments. This menu provides a detailed overview of unpaid invoices and the tools to manage the payment of invoices, including marking invoices on or off hold and part payment of invoices prior to uploading the payments to the bank via the EFT Manager screen. These instructions also apply for any Company's in GLMax. 

View our webinar recording showcasing the changes to the Payment Process.

Please note that the information contained within this help page is only applicable to StrataMax versions 5.6.100 onwards.

Payments | Security 

To access Payments, the user must have permission set to 'Allow' for Payments under the 'Menus' category in Security Setup.

Payments | Configuration

To access the 'Configuration' window, the user must have a permission called 'Edit the configuration of Payments' set to 'Allow' in Security Setup. Note that the settings in this window also affect the Payment Entry screen.

  1. Search or select Payments.
  2. Click the Configuration button in the top right of the Payments window.
  3. In the 'Configuration' window there are two headers; 'Payment Entry' and 'Payments' - each for their respective screens.
    • Cheque Book - Next Cheque Number: Affects the 'Cheque Book' radio button in Payment Entry, setting the next number in the 'Reference' field. See Payment Entry | Cheque Book.
    • Allow Cheques in Payments and Payment Entry: This setting is useful as it prevents cheques from being used by mistake when the 'EFT' radio button has not been selected as the creditor's payment method in Creditor Maintenance. See Creditor Maintenance | PaymentsWhen not ticked, then the 'Pay by Cheque' and 'Cheque Book' radio buttons will both be inactive in the Payment Entry screen. In the Payments screen, there will be an on-screen notification saying 'Payment by cheque is disallowed by configuration'.

Payment Processing

The Payments menu provides selection criteria to manage which payments to pay once invoices have been created via Creditor Invoices, Payment Entry or Management Fees/Recoveries. All buildings and all creditors can be selected, or a subset for a particular Account Manager can be selected to create payments. The Payments menu provides functionality for Creditor Invoices to be marked either on or off hold, be excluded or amended for a part payment. 

To make an 'Urgent Creditor Payment', please use Payment Entry.

  1. Search or select Payments.
  2. Select from building options:
    • All buildings: to create payments for the full StrataMax portfolio.
    • Current building: ensures only the payments for the current selected building (noted at the top of the window) are processed.
    • An account manager: to select an individual Account Manager name and the properties they are listed for.
    • Selected buildings: to tag individual or a subset of buildings.
  3. Select from the Creditors options:
    • All Creditors: include all creditor accounts global or local with an invoice for payment. 
    • Include only Master Chart Creditors: will not include local creditors.
    • Exclude Master Chart Creditors: Local creditors will be included, plus creditors matching the master chart that have not been selected below to be excluded. (Tick any code to be excluded, set as default to retain setting).
  4. Click Continue.

  1. Review Show Buildings and select from the options / Click All
  2. Review any errors or warnings (refer to Payments | Warning Messages below) and adjust or exclude as required (or alternatively click Exclude Buildings with Errors and attend to them afterwards).
  3. From this screen you can adjust any Creditor Invoices to be Part Paid, placed On Hold, Unhold or Exclude payments as required. Refer to button explanations below. 
  4. Click Exclude Buildings with Errors to remove any payments requiring further investigation or action. 
  5. Click Process.  The next screen displays the Number of Payments and Value of Payments. Click Export to view a report of the payments made in Excel. 
  6. Proceed to EFT Manager stage and Cheques Printing if there are Cheques included in the batch of payments.

The following options are available for each Creditor Invoice;

Pay AllSelect to create a payment of the full Unpaid Amount, removing any amounts On Hold, unless they are on the Invoice Hub awaiting approval. 

Don't Pay All: Excludes this creditor from the current payment batch, does not place Creditor Invoice on hold. 

Hold AllWill place all creditor invoices on hold for the selected creditor.

Unhold All: Removes On Hold flag for this creditor.

Exclude: Exclude this payment from this run. These invoices will be included in the next run. 

Exclude Building: Exclude this entire building. These invoices will be included in the next run. 

Payments | Warning Messages

When processing payments from the Payments icon, if a warning message is noted, there is the option to Exclude Buildings with Errors, or review each warning and action as required. There is also the option to tick 'Allow payment'.

  1. Search or select Payments.
  2. Select from building options:
    All buildings: to create payments for the full StrataMax portfolio.
    An account manager: to select an individual Account Manager name and the properties they are listed for.
    Selected buildings: to tag individual or a subset of buildings.
  3. Select from the Creditors options:
    All Creditors: include all Creditor accounts global or local with an invoice for payment.
    Include only Master Chart Creditors: 
    will not include local creditors.
    Exclude Master Chart Creditors: 
    Local creditors will be included, plus creditors matching the master chart that have not been selected below to be excluded. (Tick any Code to be excluded, set as Default to retain setting).
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Review Payments screen for warnings and action. 
  6. Click Process.

Allow payments: tick this option to allow the payment to proceed to EFT Manager, ignoring any warnings.

Posting Date is not in the building's current month: Complete a Month End Rollover to bring the building up to the correct Current Month in line with the Working Date to be able to create any payments. 

Compliance Status is not valid: Review the Compliance Status set for the Creditor account. Tick 'Allow payments' if payment can proceed.

Compliance Status must be verified: Review the Compliance Status set for the Creditor account. Tick 'Allow payments' if payment can proceed.

Building is locked by 'username': This building is currently locked. Refer to the username noted, payments cannot be created while the building is locked. 

Payments are more than Available Balance: The total payments are more than the Available Balance for the building.  The available balance is made up of the bank balance less unpresented payments.