Post Standing Journals (Global)

The instructions in this article relate to Post Standing Journals (Global). The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search.

Post Standing Journals provides the ability to post standing journals and other entries scheduled for posting for multiple buildings, usually created from GLMax during the End of Month Process. There are options to select the entire portfolio, or to use building filters (GST Reg, Year End) when using the Select Buildings button. 

The transaction types that can use this process include Standing Journals, Auto Reverse Journals, Last Year Journals and Job Payments.

  1. Search or select Post Standing Journals
  2. Review all conditional tags for the type of journal and tick or untick where required (Standing Journals and Auto Reverse Journals recommended options.)
  3. Click Select Buildings and use the Filter menu to apply the building filters as required.
    • Press Crtl+A on the keyboard to tag all buildings, and click OK.
    • Tag each required buildings individually, then click OK.
  4. Click Proceed to post any of the auto entries within the selected tagged buildings.
  5. Click Close to exit.