Invoice Link Manager

The instructions in this article cover Invoice Link Manager in StrataMax, which can be opened from within GLMax.

The Invoice Link Manager is used to link GLMax income codes to a expense codes in StrataMax. This is also where the building (debtors) in GLMax is linked to the creditor code in StrataMax for the strata management company. 

Linking account codes allows income raised including management fees & recoveries to automatically create Creditor Invoices to the appropriate expense code in StrataMax. Management fees will require an expense code to be manually selected in Management Fee Setup if a link is not setup for an income code used. TRMax will not allow recoveries to be entered if the income code used for the recovery is not linked.

Prior to applying any links between StrataMax and GLMax, both the income code in GLMax, and the expense code in StrataMax will need to have been created in Account Maintenance.

Link Account Codes

Follow the below steps to link account codes:

  1. Access GLMax and search or select Invoice Link Manager.
  2. Click the Add Link button.
  3. Select the Income code in GLMax and Expense codes in the buildings in StrataMax.
  4. Click Save.

Edit Linked Codes

Links can be edited at anytime however only future transactions will use the updated link; follow the below steps to edit a link:

  1. Access GLMax and search or select Invoice Link Manager.
  2. Click the Edit button next to the link that requires editing.
  3. Change the required account code.
  4. Click Save.

Deleting Linked Codes

Links can be deleted at anytime; follow the below steps to delete a link:

  1. Access GLMax and search or select Invoice Link Manager.
  2. Click the Delete button next the link that requires deleting, then click Yes to confirm.