System Maintenance

This category contains information pertaining to all menus related to system maintenance in StrataMax.


Account Manager Edit
The instructions in this article relate to Account Manager Edit .  The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search . Account Manager Edit  is where account managers in StrataMax  are ...
Data Clearance
This function is only able to be accessed by the StrataMax Support team. Please contact the StrataMax Support team should you have any queries.
Edit Levy Paid Dates
Learn how to edit the Levy Paid Date for a Levy Period.
Edit Log Inspection
The instructions in this article relate to Edit Log Inspection  which can be found by searching or selecting it from the StrataMax or GLMax desktop. This option provides the information pertaining to any edits or adjustments to transaction reco...
Edit Log Report
This report will display the details of any transactions that have been edited manually. Edit Log Report Open the Edit Log Report menu. In the Select A/c's  tab, you can either tag specific codes or leave them all bank, which will display ...
Edit Pick List
The instructions in this article relate to Edit Pick Lists .  The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search . Edit Pick Lists is where you make changes to the list of banks and c...
Integrity Tests
There are various system tests that are conducted by StrataMax to ensure your data is maintained correctly and efficiently. Most items in the Integrity Tests screen should only be used by the StrataMax Support team or under their direction. ...
Levy Renumber
Important This function is used by our support team. Please contact our support team if you have any queries about this process. There may be occasions where the levy number sequence is out of order and this may occur for a number of reasons...
Log Viewer
The instructions in this article relate to Log Viewer .  The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search . Generally used by the StrataMax Support to troubleshoot issues, however i...
Search Contacts
The instructions in this article relate to Search Contacts.  The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search . Search Contacts  can be used to easily search Contacts such as Owners, Agen...
Security Setup
The instructions in this article relate to Security Setup.   The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search . Security in StrataMax has been designed to mimic the Microsoft Windows s...