ACT Certificates

Instructions in this article relates to Certificates which can be found by searching or selecting it from the StrataMax desktop.

Certificates will automatically be set to the correct certificate based on the State and Module set in the Building Information menu. The Certificate for building type ‘UP’ - ACT Unit Titles Management accommodates the legislative requirements under the Unit Titles Legislation Amendment Act 2020 (The Act) which took effect 1 November 2020.

  1. Search or select Certificates.
  2. Tag the lot in the Lots tab.
  3. Select the applicant in the Applicants tab. Using either the Select Applicant to pick a non-owner contact or Select Owner as Applicant to pre-fill from the lot selected's contact information.
  4. If this is not set for default and is required, type in the fee in the 'Application Fee' field. Select whether the fee has been or has not been paid, which will be output on the cover page if included.
  5. In the Report Settings tab, select the additional reports to include, for example, the Contracts Register. Once selected, click Always to set it as the Default. For infrequent requests that do not require these reports to be included, untick the reports before producing the Disclosure Statement.
  6. Review the 'Print Seal and Signature' box in the Sealing Clause tab to include or exclude any saved Seal and Signatures.
  7. Set any other information or general report settings you require using Info Editor or Document Inclusion.
  8. Click Proceed.

    A copy of the Certificate will be available in DocMax and on the Roll as an attachment.

Date Developer Control Expired field

There is a field in the Building Information menu called ‘Date Developer Control Expired’ whish is included on the ACT Certificate for building types 'UP'. To add a date to this field, open the Building Information menu, search for the ‘Developer Control Expired Date’ field and add the required date.

The date will then be shown on the Certificate when printed.

Additional Fields - Section 119 (1) items (g),(h),(j),(k)

Fields are available in the Certificate to provide more information to potential owners as per legislative requirements. There sections are as below:

  • Borrowed Money (Section 119(1)(g))
  • Sustainability Infrastructure (Section 119(1)(h))
  • Crown Lease Extension Application (Section 119(1)(j))
  • Ongoing Development Approval (Section 119(1)(k))
  • If any of the utility services within the units plan are a part of an embedded network
  • Statement about which utility service the embedded network applies to and the name of the embedded network provider.

To edit the information provided in these sections use the Info Editor in the Certificates module. Please see instructions below:

  1. Search or select Certificates icon.
  2. Click the Info Editor button on the right.
  3. Click the ‘Text’ field for the section you would like to edit.
  4. Add the required text.
    • Text can be added for a specific building (this building only) or can be added as a global default for all buildings. Local text will override Global text.
  5. Click the Save Changes button.
  6. The updated text will then be displayed on the Certificate when produced.

ACT Unit Plan Rental Certificate - Insulation Status and Value

Within the Lot area of the Roll, there are fields that can assist with recording the Insulation Status and Insulation R-value. These fields are used in the output of information required for the ACT Unit Plan Rental Certificates which are soon to be released.