Property Details

The instructions in this article relate to Property Details located by searching or selecting from StrataMax.

The Property Details menu is used to record information about a building, which is then used by TaskMax to distinguish between items being maintained by the body corporate or the owner. 

Examples of property could be (but not limited to):

  • Outdoor Furniture
  • Ride on Lawn Mowers
  • Gardening Equipment
  • BBQ's
  • Pool Equipment

Property Details Configuration

Always show code selection list at start
When this function is opened, if this setting is set (ticked) it will open with a list of codes to select from. If this setting is not set (not ticked), the code selection list will not appear automatically.

New Property Details

There is only one configuration setting in the Property Details menu, which is whether or not to display the code selection list upon opening the Property Details menu. 

  1. Open the Property Details menu and if the code selection list appears, click Cancel.
  2. Click the New button.
  3. The Code field in the top left will automatically populate with the next available code, and each field can then be filled in.
    • Some fields will have a drop down list with options to choose from.
  4. Notes can also be added for this item by clicking the Notes button.
  5. When done, click Save and the Exit to close the menu.

Edit Property Details

  1. Open the Property Details menu and if the code selection list appears, select the required item and click OK.
  2. Edit each field as required.
  3. When done, click Save and the Exit to close the menu.

Delete Property Details

  1. Open the Property Details menu and if the code selection list appears, select the required item and click OK.
  2. Click Delete, and when prompted to confirm (twice), click Yes.
  3. When done, click Exit to close the menu.

Property Report

  1. Open the Property Details menu and if the code selection list appears, click Cancel.
  2. Click the Report button.
  3. Select the required radio button to change the output; Screen, Printer, or Excel.
  4. The Template cannot be changed, but the printer and paper source can be by clicking the ellipsis button next to the Printer field.
  5. Choose a specific printing order by clicking Options > Code Number Order or Name Order.
  6. Click File > Configure to amend other report options as preferred then click OK.
  7. Click the Preview button before clicking OK to display all items in a table, where it can be printed, shown in Excel, or exported to a .txt file.
  8. Click the OK button to produce the report.