StrataMax Power Up: 20 Game-Changing Tips

This article has been designed from our must see session titled StataMax Power Up and contains links to further details and instructions on our 20 Game-Changing Tips to Save Time. 

StrataMax Power Up: 20 Game-Changing Tips video

StrataMax Search 

Easily search for Owners and Creditors by property address, Email and StrataPay number using the StrataMax Search. Details can be located by clicking the following link to the StrataMax Desktop article under the heading for StrataMax Search.

Keyboard Shortcuts

There are a number of areas where keyboard shortcuts can be used in StrataMax. View our article on Shortcuts & Tips to see our list of keyboard shortcuts.

Multiple Windows

Did you know you can open more than one menu window in StrataMax? This allows users to access various functions from within StrataMax at the same time. Further details can be located here in our StrataMax Desktop article.

Local Transactions

Access the powerful search tool Local Transactions to search across each stored Financial Year as well as edit the description for Directs (Reference starting with 'B') Receipts, and Journals. View instructions in our article on Local Transactions.

Building Information 

Have you created your own personalised Favourites items for quick view? You can also produce reports across the portfolio using global reports accessed from Building Information

Roll | Split Contacts

Via Contact Management as well as via Roll there is an icon to Split into Individual Contacts.

Roll | Transfer Agent Portfolio 

This function has been designed to be used when a Real Estate Agent sells their portfolio or part of it to another agent. This tool is located in the Roll  screen

Roll | Shortcuts to reports

If you need to access a report for a lot there is a shortcut from the Roll, this area connects to the different reports distributed for the selected lot with a quick access to the stored document in DocMax

Payments Management

Payments Management is a centralised area to both review and manage payments incorporating search capabilities, providing you with more efficient search results to screen. 


The Dashboard uses key data sources and offers a quick view of important information for a single building, or the whole portfolio, with the functionality to drill down to view source data as well as filter by Account Manager.

Interactive Reports

Interactive Reports  can be used to review financial statements for the property's current and old year, and drill into any account code to view the transactions, payment details, as well as any attached documents, such as invoices.

Financial Statement - Footnotes

Providing Footnotes on Financial Statements allows additional information for owners & committee members that can help reduce potential questions & improve transparency. Examples include explanation of Accounting Practices (Accrual Accounting) or notes explaining why expenditure is greater than the budget.      

Search Bank Accounts 

Newly released, quick reporting tool called Search Bank Accounts, this menu displays a table with all of the bank accounts (operating and investment) in your StrataMax portfolio, including all information entered in Bank Account Setup. This information can also be exported into an Excel sheet if required and filtered by account code.

Security Permissions - Copy User

Use this Copy User option to replicate the User settings from one user to another, and across drives if you have multiple drives in your StrataMax. This tool allows the management of user settings when taking on new staff or to ensure existing staff have the same configuration setup across departments.

Certificates | Add Electronic Seal & Signature

The Common Seal and account manager's signature for a property can be scanned and added to StrataMax certificates digitally to save time affixing this when a certificate is produced.

Base Building

The Base Building is a template building that StrataMax uses to copy information from when a New Building is created. The information that should be entered into the Base Building is anything common to all buildings in the StrataMax portfolio, such as creditors and account codes. This will save time and effort each time as new building is created since staff won't have to enter all the information into a completely blank building.

Process Bank Statements 

The banking file can be dragged and dropped into the Process Bank Statement screen which will import the files as part of this option, this saves time navigating and saving the files to a windows pathway. 

Email Templates

A tailored email subject and body can be configured for emails sent for Levy Notices, Levy Arrears Notices, Work Orders and Quote Requests. It is possible to create a Local (per property) or Global (full portfolio) email template with merge fields. Including merge fields may assist with aggressive spam filters allowing receipt of bulk emails for recipients.

Transaction Code Change

Transaction Code Change can be used to move individual transactions from one Income or Expense account code to another. If the two account codes (transfer from and to) are within the same Fund or Account Group, most transaction types may use this process.

Creditor Invoices | Urgent Payment

Is there an urgent payment required to be made separate to your standard payment run? Your Accounts Payable Team can click "Select" to locate the invoice from Creditor Invoices and then use the Save & Pay option. Ensure to select document from the Work Queue so that the status changes.

Creditor Invoices | Bill to Owner

There may be instances where an Invoice that has been paid by the Strata is to be on charged to an Owner. In these instances Bill to Owner can be used to move the expense from the Expense Code to the Lot Owner's account saving time re-entering an invoice.