New Company (GLMax)

Before the debtors are created and management fees setup, the Company (Strata Management Office) must be setup.  In StrataMax the Strata Manager must then be set up and selected for each building so it is looking at the correct company.  The details of the Manager are set up globally and run on a standard tax  year 01/07-30/06. Generally the Company banking is not processed via GLMax, but it would be recommended to stop the extra prompt message 'BSB and Account Number have not been entered. Building X'  for each month end rollover. Instructions on how these can be entered are below.

Complementing the StrataMax community management system, GLMax is designed for the management of company accounts. It is fully integrated with StrataMax for the management of debtors. The functionality has been grouped under four main categories: Information Management, Accounts Payable, Debtor Management and Financial Management.

When invoices are entered into GLMax, a creditor invoice is automatically created in the relevant building in StrataMax. All buildings in StrataMax are imported into GLMax as debtors.  

To access GLMax from the Building Selector Tool, click on the GLMax button and select the Company in the list.

New Company

  1. Open the New Company (GLMax) menu.

Some fields are not required in this menu and are therefor locked for editing.

  1. Populate the Financial year start and Financial year end fields.
  2. Select the Current month from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click OK.

Building Information (Company Information)

Depending on the office requirements, the fields of information needed in this menu will vary and the below steps are a guide to the basics of what should be reviewed and updated.

  1. From the Building Selector Tool, click the GLMax Companies button and select the company from the list.
  2. Search or select Building Information.
  3. Enter the required information (the below is just a recommendation).
  • Address
  • State (default should be set but check if required)
  • Australian Business Number
  • GST Registered
  1. Click Save.
  2. Click Exit.

Bank Account Setup

By completing the Bank Account Setup, even if Daily Bank Reconciliations do not occur within GLMax, this will prevent warning messages about these details not being entered for each month end process. It is essentially a click-saver.