Property Setup

This category contains information pertaining to all menus related to property maintenance in StrataMax.


Account Group Setup
Account Group Setup is to cater for Victorian Multi Owners Corporation (OC) setups. This is where there are multiple Owners Corporations existing within one Building. The below instructions are to configure these separate Owners Corporations into th...
Archive All Data
The archive process backs up all data (Current, Old and Historical Year) including documents and creates a ZIP file - this is the same functionality as a Data Storage .  When a building is lost, it should be archived to a separate directory before ...
Base Building
This article is designed to explain the purpose of the Base Building, what and how it can be configured, and what menus are accessible in it. The Base Building is essentially a template building that StrataMax uses to copy information from wh...
Change Building Name or Number
Instructions in this article relate to Change Building Number which can be found by searching or selecting it from the StrataMax or GLMax desktop. Change Building Number NOTE : Before changing the building number, ensure that any cu...
Data Storage and Restore Data
There may be instances where a data storage is required to take a snapshot of the building's data when conducting a complex process, such as a resubdivision. StrataMax can also automatically create a data storage prior to the month end rollover and ...
Delete a Building or Company
The instructions in this article relate to Delete Building  and Delete Company.  The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search . Use these options with extreme care as it will perm...
Manager Maintenance
The instructions in this article relate to Manager Maintenance .  The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search . Manager Maintenance  is where you add or change the details of the Bo...
New Building (BCMax)
The instructions in this article relate to New Building (BCMax) .  The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search . This screen is always used when manually creating a new building i...
New Company (GLMax)
Before the debtors are created and management fees setup, the Company (Strata Management Office) must be setup.  In StrataMax the Strata Manager must then be set up and selected for each building so it is looking at the correct company.  The details...
Opening Balance Setup
Learn how to enter the opening balances/financials for new buildings, including recommendations, do's and don'ts, and best practices.
Return Address Editor
Instructions in this article relate to Return Address Editor    which can be found by searching or selecting it from the StrataMax or GLMax desktop. Return Address Editor is used for setting up the Return Address information printed on invoices,...