Aged Balance List

The instructions in this article relates to Aged Balance ListThe icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search.

The Aged Balance List reports on all debit or credit balances, displaying the age of any outstanding amount(s) for all owners. 

When a lot has been put into legal action it will show the asterisk (*) symbol at the end of the owner's name and also after the last arrears date. Due to lack of space, the date will display as 010123 instead of 01/01/23 while in legal action.

Aged Balance List 

To produce an Aged Balance List report for balances in the select building;

  1. Search or select Aged Balance List.
  2. In the top left of Report Setup screen, there are three radio buttons to chose from:
    • Screen: produces an on-screen preview of the report.
    • Printer: prints the report without any preview.
    • Excel: Exports the report to Excel.
  3. In the top right, you can chose the template you want by clicking the top ellipsis button [...] next to Template.
  4. There is also an ellipsis button [...] to chose a Printer, how many copies of the report you would like to print, and the paper source.
  5. Set any limits by double-clicking the blank cell next to the corresponding fields.
    • Select Codes: Presents a list of lot accounts to select. Tag the required lots and click OK.
    • Name Start: Type the first single or few characters of the first name of a range to search for.
    • Name Finish: Type the first single or few characters of the last name of a range to search for.
    • Amount Start: Type the number of the first value of a range to search for.
    • Amount Finish: Type the number of the last value of a range to search for.
    • Report Nil Balance Item (YN): If left blank it will not include any lots without a balance.
    • Include Not Due Levies: This will increase the Balance and Current columns in the report as it includes any levies generated with a due date after the report date.
    • Current and Over:
    • Thirty Days and Over
    • Sixty Days and Over:
    • Ninety Days and Over:
    • Over Ninety Days:
  6. Click OK.

Report Distribution | Aged Balance List | Report Output Order

An Aged Balance List report can be included as a report in the Report Distribution menu. This can be selected to be produced globally across the portfolio if required and the report output order can be set in the Configuration.

  1. Search or select Merge Letters.
  2.  Untick ‘Merge Letters Only' in the Report Selection screen and select Aged Balance report. 
  3. Click the template configuration cog to produce the Configuration.
  4. Set 'Report Output Order' as required and the 'Template' for standard Aged Balance or Second Debtors.
  5. Click Close.
  6. Proceed to produce the report set.

Report Distribution | Aged Balance List - Second Debtors

  1. Search or select Merge Letters.
  2.  Untick ‘Merge Letters Only' in the Report Selection screen and select Aged Balance report. 
  3. Click the template configuration cog to produce the Configuration.
  4. Set the 'Template' to include Aged Balance List - Second Debtors to produce for the Secondary Debtors.
  5. Click Close.
  6. Proceed to produce the report set.