Statement (Second Debtor)

The instructions in this article relate to the Statement (Second Debtor) menu, which is opened by searching for it using the search field on the StrataMax Desktop, or clicking the menu icon on the StrataMax Desktop.

Statement (Second Debtor) produces transaction information for the secondary debtor account selected. The information is similar to the Ledger Card produced for lot owner accounts. The difference between the two is the list of accounts provided to select. In Statement (Second Debtor), only Secondary Debtor accounts can be selected (031XXXX accounts).

Statement (Second Debtor) Configuration

Address Preferences (Global Setting)
Displays a drop-down menu to select either the owner's Residential/Service Address or the Levy Notice Address when sending Ledger Cards or Ledger Reports.

Use Local Paper Source for Deposits (User Setting)
This box is ticked by default and it's recommended that it not be removed as it may adversely affect printing ledger card when using StrataMax on a remote desktop/server.

Always show last active global message (User Setting)
This should be ticked if the ledger card/report template being used has a Global message that is currently active under the Message tab.

Producing a Statement (Second Debtor)

  1. Search or select Statement Ledger Card (Second Debtor)
  2. Tag an account, add a message if required, select any conditions and click Proceed.

Secondary Debtor List

  1. Search or select Secondary Debtors List
  2. Select Options to be presented with the choice of 'Debtors List' or 'Secondary Debtors List' to select a different report style. Debtors List will produce the lot accounts.  
  3. Click 'Select Accounts', 'Change Order', 'Suppress Contacts' to adjust the options or click 'Change Building' to report on more than one building.
  4. Click Proceed.

Account Dissection (Second Debtors)

The 'Account Dissection Second Debtors' report shows the breakdown of the second debtors account balance in each of the account balance fields.

  1. Search or select Account Dissection (Second Debtors). 
  2. Set the report limits as you prefer:
  3. Double-click on the field limit to set
  4. Tag or enter the criteria for this limit: If the field contains Amount information, type in the Amount to start reporting from. If the name of the field contains 'YN' then you may enter either a 'Y' for Yes, or 'N' for No for this limit.
  5. To print in code number order (in increasing order): Click 'Options' then 'Code Number Order'.
  6. To print in name order (alphabetically): Click 'Options' then 'Name Order'
  7. The Account Dissection Report is one of the reports that will preview information in a searchable grid prior to printing to any output source. To display the preview grid before printing the report click Preview.
  8. Click OK.
  9. If 'Preview' was selected in the printing options: a grid will appear to allow for searching through the information.
  10. Change the order of the information by clicking on a column heading - the list will be re-sorted depending on what column you clicked. Column headings are a toggle - if the column is in ascending order then it will change to descending and vice versa
  11. Click Show in Excel.
  12. Click Export to save the information to a tab delimited text file.
  13. Or Print to continue printing the report.
  14. Or Close to close the preview grid and cancel printing the report.

Account Dissection (Second Debtors) Configuration

1. No Records Printed Report
If a report produces no records, choose what happens:

  • Confirm Each Time
  • Always Print Report
  • Never Print Report

2. No Records Printed Report - Global Report
If a report produces no records, choose what happens:

  • Confirm Each Time
  • Always Print Report
  • Never Print Report

3. Global Reports Open Access
If ticked, the the global report process will not check locked buildings.

Aged Balance List (Second Debtors)

This report can be run for Second Debtors and offers the standard column reporting for Current, 30+ Days, 60+ Days, 90+ Days, 120+ Days and the last arrears date. There is also the option to change the Template to SABLIST1 - Second Debtors Aged Balance List - which will output the Email Address and the Last Invoice Date - (the Last Invoice Date will not be reported in the Main Second Debtors as this template is designed for the Utility Second Debtors).

  1. Search or select Aged Balance List (Second Debtors).
  2. Set any limits in the appropriate fields.
  3. Select the Report output (Screen, Printer or Excel).
  4. Click OK.
  5. You can print/email the report as required once it comes to screen.

Aged Balance List Configuration

1. No Records Printed Report
If a report produces no records, choose what happens:

  • Confirm Each Time
  • Always Print Report
  • Never Print Report

2. No Records Printed Report - Global Report
If a report produces no records, choose what happens:

  • Confirm Each Time
  • Always Print Report
  • Never Print Report

3. Global Reports Open Access
If ticked, the the global report process will not check locked buildings.