This category contains all of the information relating to Utility Billing module and has all of the information relating to setup, configuration, tariffs, meter maintenance, debtor maintenance, billing and arrears.
Utility Billing | Introduction & Setup
The instructions in this article relate to Utility Billing . The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search . Utility Billing allows the facility to create bills for owners or tena...
Utility Billing | Create Account and Levy Invoice Codes
This article covers setting up account codes and levy invoice codes, which is integral to setting up the utility sub-group. The utility subgroup is one type 'attached' to the main group (building). For utility billing to function, new account codes...
Utility Billing | Security Deposits
This article has been designed to explain the purpose and function of the Security Deposit Account, as well the setup, receipting, reversal and refund of Security Deposits. Account code 060 Electricity Security Deposit – This is the Security De...
Utility Billing | Refunds
This article covers the process of refunding an overpayment on a current account in the Utility Sub-Group or a credit on an account after a final bill has been issued (Second Debtor Account). The payment will be drawn for the amount of the overpay...
Utility Billing | Setup Tariffs, Sundries, Rebates
This article provides general information about Utility Bill Items in the Utility Billing menu within the Utility Sub-Group and covers the setup of the different types of Utility Bill Items: tariffs, Various Items , and Rebates . The di...
Utility Billing | Arrears
The instructions in this article relate to Utility Billing | Arrears. The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search . This article is designed to guide users through the setup are...
Utility Billing | Billing Procedures
The instructions in this article relate to Utility Billing . The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search . This article covers entering meter readings, processing bills, and printin...
Utility Billing | Other Billing Processes
This article covers the various other common processes that are carried out in the Utility Billing menu. This does not cover the standard billing process, please see the Utility Billing | Electricity Billing Procedures article for that. ...
Utility Billing | Final Meter Readings
Utility Sub-Groups will allow a final bill to be issued to the debtor who has vacated and not yet paid the balance. This process is for finalising the debtors account and transferring the bill to a holding account (Second Debtor) until paid. Throu...
Utility Billing | Reports
This article covers the various key reports available in the Utility Billing menu, of which there are several. These are used in both the Main Building and Utility Sub-Group . The use of each report can assist in varying scenarios, from a s...
Utility Billing | Debtor Maintenance
The instructions in this article relate to Debtor Maintenance contacts . The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search via the Sub-Group. When a Sub-Group is created, based on...