Document Amendment Register

The instructions in this article relate to the Document Amendment register. The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search.

This register is available for any document amendments that may need to be recorded. Examples of these include By-Laws & Community Management Statement.

Create Document Amendment

  1. Search or select Document Amendment  >Cancel.
  2. Click New.
  3. The Account Code will populate and you will need to add the Description (Examples: By-laws, CMS or Rules) and click Add This One.
  4. Complete all the details, Category is a drop list of CMS, Rules or By Laws.
  5. To link to a document in DocMax, right click in field 8 Doc ID to launch DocMax and search for document.
  6. Click Select Document and Save. (A Id number will be entered into field 8).
  7. Click Save and Exit.

Document Amendment Register Report

  1. Search or select Document Amendment.
  2. Click Report.