Data Storage and Restore Data

There may be instances where a data storage is required to take a snapshot of the building's data when conducting a complex process, such as a resubdivision. StrataMax can also automatically create a data storage prior to the month end rollover and when implementing code changes. The Archive All Data function is similar to a Data Storage however created to a separate pathway. 

Full database backups should be completed every night as per the StrataMax System Requirements.  The data storage process does not replace a full system back up. Further information can be located in our System Requirements - Database Engine and Backups article. 

Data Storage

When a data storage is created, old and historical year transaction data will also be included so that it can be more effectively used to restore property data back to the state that it was in when the data storage was captured. 

The tick box 'Include DocMax Documents' will not be ticked by default. This will need to be set if DocMax documents need to be included. But please be aware that inclusion of DocMax documents has the potential to increase the size of the data storage and can also significantly increase the time required to both store and restore the data. As a result, the 'Include DocMax Documents' box should only be ticked if you specifically need to restore DocMax documents to their original state at the time that the data storage was taken. 


Data can only be restored after analysis by the StrataMax Support Team and generally only on the same date that the Data Storage was captured. Alternative options may be provided. 

Conducting a Data Storage

  1. Search or select Data Storage in StrataMax or GLMax.
  2. It is recommended to select Custom as the Backup Destination and enter today's date at the end of the pathway to easily identify the data storage being captured.
  3. Once the required options are selected, and a Backup Destination entered click Proceed


Include DocMax documents
This will include DocMax documents with the data storage. Keep in mind that this will increase the time to complete the data storage and to restore the data.

Overwrite existing backup
If selected, this will delete any existing data storage file with the same name (use with caution).

Backup Destination

There are three options for the destination of the backup file:

Monthly Backup
This will default to the BCM\BACKUPS\Building Number\Month-Year folder.

Auto Backup
This will default to the BCM\BACKUPS\Building Number\AUTOBACK folder.  

This will enable the “Change” option and allow the data storage to be saved to the selected file path - recommended to add the date to the path. This option allows each data storage to be uniquely titled for ease of identifying each data storage.  

Data Storage for Multiple Buildings

It is possible to conduct a property data storage for multiple properties by clicking the Select button. Once the building selection screen appears, tag the buildings/properties to be backed up. You can use the Shift key to select multiple buildings in a range.

If multiple buildings/properties are selected, the default backup location will change to the BCM\ARCHIVE folder. If there are multiple buildings in the same month the zip files will be stored in the same folder. For example, all backups at May month end will be stored in BCM\ARCHIVE\MAY-19 folder.

Restore Data

Please be advised that the Restore Data icon has been removed from StrataMax as of version 5.6.98

If a restore of data is required, please contact the StrataMax Support team on We realise that often this may be a time critical requirement, but this is to ensure the integrity of your data, and stability and functionality of StrataMax. A complete restore of an individual building can impact a lot of areas such as the Bank Reconciliation, Invoice Hub, DocMax, Portal, and other areas, often causing further issues. When logging your support case with our Support Team, please ensure:

  • When you are working on a building and complete a data storage, ensure that the building is locked and remains locked if you need to log a case; this ensures no changes are made while we investigate.
  • Detail the exact reasoning for the expected use for the data restore.

In some instances, the support team may provide you with an alternative solution as a restore is not recommended in most cases.