Building Information

The instructions in this article relate to Building InformationThe icon may be located on your StrataMax or GLMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search.

The Building Information function is for recording general information for each property or company information in GLMax. There is a customisable 'Favourites' menu so you can decide what important property information is viewed or required to be updated based on user/company requirements plus notes and photos can also be accessed from here. Some fields are read-only as they contain data from other menus in StrataMax.  Click and make adjustments to the information recording in each field as required and save.

Be sure to check out the Building Information video on our StrataMax Videos page as well.  Also view our Frequently asked questions page for a little more help.

Building Information | Security Setup

The ability to Edit in Building Information is controlled by permissions in Security Setup. This provides control over who can and can't edit building information to ensure data accuracy. We recommend the 'Building Info - Edit Display' permission has restrictions applied.

  1. Search or select Security Setup.
  2. Select user or Group name as required.
  3. Locate 'Building info - edit display', right click to adjust security permissions and Close

Building Information | Overview

The fields available to report in Building Information can also assist with processing other areas in StrataMax, some examples of these are;

  • Basic information about the plan, such as the plan name, type, and number. 
  • Building Information holds the property address and who the Body Corporate or Strata Manager is. 
  • It controls functional configurations such as: the deposit slip and how credit card fees are processed, as well as how creditor payments are configured for payment and the use of the Invoice Hub.  
  • The financial year start and end dates are stored here as well as the date that the plan was registered.
  • Storing of key meeting dates such as the last and next general meetings, along with the history of each.

This section provides brief explanations for each element of Building Information and how to access this menu.

  1. View: Navigate between the different Views configured for your company. All fields available in Building Information can be displayed if 'All Fields' is selected.
  2. Edit Views: To edit the View items, refer to Edit View below.
  3. Export to Excel for multiple buildings: will provide the option to tag one/multiple properties and produce data to excel for the View you have selected.
  4. Search Bar: There is a search bar which allows you to type the name of a field or category and the displayed items will be adjusted to show only fields containing the letters entered. 
  5. Warning icon: this icon means the field has been set as a Policy & Comments field, a Company Requirement. 
  6. This is the comment entered for the field in Policy & Comments. 
  7. Notes: Refer to Notes below.
  8. Report: produces a PDF report to screen on the property selected. 
  9. Save: Will save any changes made in the Building Information menu. 
  10. Close: to close the Building Information menu.

View history on edits or changes made in Building Information from Search Building Info History.

View Edit | Create Customised Views

There are three standard Views available in the View Edit window: 'All Fields', 'Favourites', and 'Policy & Comments'. Click the Edit Views button to edit and create your own customised Views for specific fields, which also export when using the Export to Excel function. The Views can be configured for each of your departments or roles, with an 'Accounts' view with the financial information fields selected or a 'Manager' View with fields pertaining to meetings and general property information for examples. This function has a permission in Security Setup called 'Building info - edit display'.

Create a customised View or Favorites View for any regularly produced reports on Building Information to only report the fields in that View.


  1. Search or select Building Information
  2. Click on pencil icon next to View.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Enter a Name.
  5. Tick the fields you would like displayed in your created view.
  6. Click Save.

View Edit | Delete Customised Views

  1. Search or select Building Information
  2. Click on pencil icon next to View.
  3. Locate View name and click Remove.
  4. Click Save.

View Edit | Policy & Comments 

Policy & Comments provides the ability to configure and easily report on important fields with users prompted if the fields are left blank. By selecting Policy & Comments and running the Excel report this will offer a quick reporting option on company required data.  The fields and supporting comments set in Policy & Comments is generally configured by your StrataMax Administrator.

  1. Search or select Building Information.
  2. From the View selection, select Policy & Comments.
  3. Click on pencil icon next to Policy & Comments.
  4. Tick the required fields and enter a supporting comment next to each field to provide details on the information required to be entered. Users will be prompted to enter data into this field and a comment will be listed next to the field. 
  5. Click Save.

If Policy & Comments is the 'View' selected, click on the Excel report option to only report on your company required fields. 

Setting up Favourites

The Favourites option offers a customisable view so that all your regularly used fields are displayed for easy viewing as well as quick reporting to Excel. To set a category/field as a Favourite, click on the star icon next to the field. Each field selected will be viewable only for your username when you have Favourites selected as the View. Your selected Favourites will also be available for quick view on the StrataMax Tool bar by hovering on the info icon. 

  1. Search or select Building Information.
  2. View all fields and click the star icon next to your regularly used fields to save them as a Favourite.
  3. To display only your Favourite fields select 'Favourites' from the View drop down selection in the top left corner.

A blue 'Info' icon is available to the right of the Building Selector, which when clicked will open the 'Favourites' view in Building Information.

Copy value to other buildings

Certain data fields such as Overdue Levy Interest Rate and Overdue Interest Start Date have the ability for the data entered into the field to be copied into the Building Information in another property or across your entire portfolio. The copy icon will be displayed next to the filed and when clicked you can select/tag the buildings to copy the data to. 

  1. Search or select Building Information.
  2. Search/locate the field required and ensure data is entered to be copied. 
  3. Click on the copy icon. (This will copy data immediately).
  4. In the Building Selection screen tag the buildings and click Select button to copy data to the selected buildings.

Click the History button in Building Information to review any changes made to buildings using the 'Copy value to other buildings' option.

Lot Type Editor

The 'Lot Type Editor' screen is used to amend the 'Lot Type' and 'Lot Purpose'. This will affect the corresponding fields in the Building Information screen.

The Enable Charge Class Change button is password protected and managed by the StrataMax Support Team.

Lot Type

The Lot Type field has four options:

  1. Standard: The default type and should be used in most instances. The lot will be counted towards the 'Number of Lots (Standard)' and 'Number of Lots (All)' fields in Building Information. It will be considered active as well, so will also count towards the 'Number of Active Lots' field.
  2. Car Space: Used for car spaces. The lot will only be counted towards the 'Number of Lots (All)' field in Building Information. It will not be considered active (represented by a red cross under the Active column), so will not count towards the 'Number of Active Lots' field. The Lot Purpose field will also disappear.
  3. Storage Space: Used for storage spaces. The lot will only be counted towards the 'Number of Lots (All)' field in Building Information. It will not be considered active (represented by a red cross under the Active column), so will not count towards the 'Number of Active Lots' field. The Lot Purpose field will also disappear.
  4. Resubdivided: Should be used after the lot entitlements have been set to zero/nil and reallocated as part of resubdivision or staged development, and the lot needs to be extinguished (see Change Existing Lot Entitlements for more info). If the lot has '1' or more in the Contribution or Interest Entitlements fieldsthe 'Resubdivision' option can still be selected, but it will not count towards the 'Number of Lots (All)' field. The lot will still be considered active as well, so will also count towards the 'Number of Active Lots' field. The Lot Purpose field will also disappear.

Lot Purpose

The Lot Purpose field is only available if the Lot Type is set to 'Standard' and has four options. These do not affect the 'Number of Lots' fields, or whether the lot is considered active or not:

  1. Residential: The lot will be counted towards the 'Number of Residential Units' field in Building Information.
  2. Commercial: The lot will be counted towards the 'Number of Commerical Units' field in Building Information.
  3. Retirement Village: The lot will be counted towards the 'Number of Retirement Village Units' field in Building Information.
  4. Other: The lot will be counted towards the 'Number of Other Units' field in Building Information.


Account Group Buildings - ABN/TFN/GST & Number of Lots/Entitlements

Account Group information such as the ABN, TFN, GST Registered status and the Number of Lots/Entitlements is displayed in Building Information as Read Only. This information is set up from Account Group Setup. A global report can be produced selecting these fields from Building Information | Global Report (Export to Excel).

Adding Meetings & Voting Details

Record and retain the history of the date, time, location and notice distribution dates for Annual General Meeting, Committee Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings under the Meetings & Voting heading. 

  1. Search or select Building Information
  2. Click Meetings button next to the meeting type.
  3. Add the details as required and click Save.
  4. Last Meeting & Next Meeting date will be displayed, and historical meetings can be viewed by clicking on the Meetings icon.

Financial Year Audit (Audit Done)

Record if an audit is required, completed and the date of audit and Auditor Name. If Audit Done is ticked this will prevent any additional journals or transactions posting in the relevant Financial Year.

  1. Search or select Building Information
  2. Search or locate the Financial Year Audit field under 'Other' heading.
  3. Add the details as required and click Save.

Builder, Developer, Accounts Manager Assistant & Asset Manager 

The Builder, Developer, Accounts Manager Assistant & Asset Manager fields adopt the Contact Card principle, whereby each contact will have an individual contact card, which can be selected across properties in your portfolio once it has been created and saved.

  1. Search or select Building Information.
  2. Search for the required field.
  3. Click Select and then either...
    • Search from list to see if contact exists and click Select if located.
    • Click Create Contact if contact not located in list. 
  4. Click Save.

Building Photos/Building Plans

To save building photos/plans for viewing in Building Information, the photo/s can be added to DocMax with the Category selected as 'Building Photos' for Building Photos or 'Building Plans' for Building Plans, these documents will then be viewable when clicking on the hyperlink to be directed to the record in DocMax.  

  1. Search or select DocMax.
  2. Add a document using your preferred method and save for each property as required with the Category set as either 'Building Photos' or 'Building Plans' depending on the type of document being saved. 

To view the saved documents in StrataMax:

  1. Search or select Building Information.
  2. Using the search bar type in 'Photo' or 'Plans' for quick navigation to the Building Photos or Plans field. 
  3. Click on the hyperlink to view the saved record.

Entitlement Factor

The Entitlement Factor can be used to adjust lot entitlements to display in decimals. The figure entered in this field controls how the system displays the decimals in reports. 

The Entitlement Factor field adjusts the units in the 'View All' screen in Levy Management on a selected Levy and also on Reports. The Rate per U/E needs to be amended to facilitate the contributions as required as this field does not recalculate the Gross/Net amounts. The native decimalisation of the Entitlements is being looked at in future enhancements to the program. 

  1. Search or select Building Information.
  2. Search for Entitlement Factor.
  3. Enter the calculated rate required, this figure is used to multiply by to reach the correct decimal figure. 
  4. Select Save.

Entitlements entered as 1575 with an Entitlement Factor of 0.01 will produce entitlements of 15.75 on reports. 

Building Information | Local Report

A local report is available for the property selected.

  1. Search or select Building Information.
  2. Click the Report button in the bottom right. 
  3. The report will be produced to screen for printing/emailing or saving as required.

Building Information | Global Report (Export to Excel)

Any fields in Building Information can be exported to an Excel report, where filters can be used to view the data in numerous ways, and formulas can be used to modify the data. This export can be used to create a list of buildings, displaying the building name, number, number of active lots, account manager, if the Invoice Hub is active/enabled or not, and many more.

The export will include any fields that are visible in the View that is selected at the time the Export to Excel button is clicked. So, you should use a customised view or Favorites view to produce an export with fields to suit your needs. For regular reporting on fields that are not setup in a View, use the Search Buildings function available from the search bar or menu icon as this allows one off reporting and saved searches.

  1. Search or select Building Information.
  2. Make sure that the required View is selected, then click the Export to Excel... icon in the top left.

  3. When the 'Building Selection' window appears, you can use the Name / Number field to search for a building or use the different Filters to narrow down the list to the required buildings. Tag the required buildings and click Select.

  4. The Excel sheet will open with the View name in cell A1, with all fields included in the View assigned to each column, with filters for each column ready in place for your convenience.
    • To save the report, make sure to use File > Save As so you can choose the save location and file name. If you just use the Save function, the report will save with a random name ('zabpllprf.cfz.xlsx' for example) in a hidden temporary folder.

Building Information | Notes

This is for storing notes relevant for the particular property. There is a search bar on the top to quickly search stored details. The Subject list is made up of all prior Subjects used when a note is entered. Categories can be saved so they are available from the drop-down arrow & may also be deleted if required.

  1. Search or select Building Information.
  2. Click on Notes.
  3. Click Add to add a note for the Building Information screen, enter a Subject and select the Category as required.
  4. Add your notes to the notepad area of the screen or copy and paste from the source of information.
  5. Click the 'X' in the top right when finished and you will be asked if you want to save the note, select Yes.
  6. Further information on Notes is in the Notes article.

Valid Combinations / Building Registration 

The State, Type and Regulatory Module options will display for valid types that dependent on the options selected. For example, if QLD is the State, only valid QLD Type and Regulatory Modules and if NSW is selected as the State, only NSW valid options will be available for selection. The Type selection list incorporates the full name and abbreviation. Click on Valid Combinations.xlsx to view an Excel report of the Valid Combinations available in StrataMax.


Management Office Function

The Management Office field allows for buildings to be associated with a specific Management Office. This is often used when a Management Company has multiple offices and allows for buildings to be assigned to a office which can be used for filtering and reporting.  The Building Selector allows for the list of buildings to be filtered to a specific office, once filtered will only show selected office for processes and reporting. The management office field can also be output on various reports such as Management Fees Report, TRMax Recoveries (Excel) and Searches can have the field added to include in reports.

A separate Letterhead can be set if required to be different by management office, please refer to our article on Manager Maintenance for further details on setting up multiple manager records. 

To create Management Offices follow the below steps:

  1. Search or select Building Information.
  2. Locate the Management Office field.
  3. Click on the [...] icon
  4. Click on the Add button and enter the required details.
  5. Click on the Save button.

To assign a Management Office follow the below steps:

  1. Search or select Building Information.
  2. Locate the 'Management Office' field.
  3. Select the Management Office from the dropdown list.
  4. Click on Save.

Note: Use the 'copy value to other buildings' to allow to update easily across the portfolio.

Change Financial Year End Date

The financial year dates of a building are set when a building is first setup in StrataMax. In some scenarios a building may require the financial year end date to be changed which can be done within Building Information in some scenarios. Changing a financial year does not update budgets, levies, management fees etc therefore update these as required after changing the financial year.

Changing a Financial Year End will not change Old or Historic Years.

If a financial year end date needs to be changed to a date that has already passed; please log a case with our support team providing the building number and required dates.

Shortening a Financial Year

To change a financial year to less than 12 months; in Building Information edit the Financial Year End date and select Save.

Extending a Financial Year

If a financial year is set to more than 12 months, back dated and monthly financial statements may report incorrectly as some transactional data is stored by month.

To change a financial year to more than 12 months; in Building Information edit the Financials Year End date and select Save. A warning will appear regarding the above.

Australian Business Number & GST Registered

When entering the Australian Business Number (ABN) a validity check is completed to ensure the ABN being entered is registered. The building details will be displayed under the ABN field and it is important to check that this information matches the property details being loaded. We highly recommend at this stage the GST Registered field is set during initial installation of the property. (GST will not be calculated on Opening Balances entered).