Second Debtors

This category contains information pertaining to all menus related to second debtors in StrataMax.


Debtor (Second Debtor)
The instructions in this article relate to Debtor (Second Debtor) .   The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the  StrataMax Search . The Debtor (Second Debtor)  will provide a faci...
Invoice Entry & Invoice Printing (Second Debtor)
The menus with Second Debtor  functions have been designed for invoicing external parties to the building that are not covered by the four sub-groups provided. The sub-groups provided for billing non-owners in StrataMax are: Electricity/Utilit...
Local and Global Debtors Updated
 The instructions in this article relate to Local Debtors  and Global Debtors .  The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search . Local Debtors  and G...
Statement (Second Debtor)
The instructions in this article relate to the Statement (Second Debtor)  menu, which is opened by searching for it using the search field on the StrataMax Desktop, or clicking the menu icon on the StrataMax Desktop. Statement (Second Deb...