Base Building

This article is designed to explain the purpose of the Base Building, what and how it can be configured, and what menus are accessible in it.

The Base Building is essentially a template building that StrataMax uses to copy information from when a New Building is created. The information that should be entered into the Base Building is anything common to all buildings in the StrataMax portfolio, such as the strata manager as an office bear. This will save time and effort each time as new building is created since staff won't have to enter all the information into a completely blank building.

Any new information entered in the Base Building is only added to any new buildings created from that point onward. This new information will not be copied to existing buildings.

Open the Base Building:

  1. Click the Building Selector Tool
  2. Click the Select Base Building link at the bottom left of the building list.

Available Menus in Base Building

This is an exhaustive list of all the menus that are available from within the Base Building. We have also provided some reasons as to why it would be useful to enter information in each menu.

Accounting and Taxation

Account Maintenance (article)

This area is critical since it will determine which account codes are available, and is where codes should be copied (individually and in bulk) from the Master Chart to the Base Building.

GST Setup (article)

This can be set to determine the GST settings and configuration.

Master List (article)

Master List is a report that offers a detailed report that includes Type, P/L, B/S, Main Sub, Update Code and Account Group. This can be useful to refer to when attempting any clean up of data. This is also available in Excel.

Master List Tax Code (article)

Setting each accounts tax code and non-mutual income tax code can be done and this report will confirm what has been set for each account. This report exports to Excel.

Creditors and Payments

Creditor Maintenance (article)

Creditor records that are frequently used should be entered, such as the Strata Management company. Any Creditor records that may be used less frequently will still exist in the Master Chart ready to be added to any local building as required. 

Creditor Master List (article)

Creditor Master List is a report that reports the creditors available with some basic detail. This report is available for Excel and will include more information when exported.

Levies & Arrears

Levy Invoice Code Setup (article)

Critical for each building in order to determine which funds are available for levies.

Property Setup

Insurance (article)

All insurance codes will exist in the Master Chart, and the Base Building can be set to include only the most frequently used policies. By reviewing the insurance policies in the Base Building can help reduce unused policies in new buildings.

Office Bearers (article)

Accessing the Office Bearers from the Base Building is available and allows for the Body Corporate Manager record to be reviewed. If any changes are to be made against the Body Corporate Manager record this should be done via the Body Corp. Manager Maintenance menu.

Reports/Utilities Global (article)

This area is available from the Base Building and performs in the same way as it does from a local building. The 'Change Building' function exists here.

Common Property Register (article)

Although this menu is available from the Base Building and performs in the same way as it does from a local building, there aren't many instances where this would be applicable across every building.

Contracts (article)

Although this menu is available from the Base Building and performs in the same way as it does from a local building, there aren't many instances where this would be applicable across every building.

Disputes (article)

Although this menu is available from the Base Building and performs in the same way as it does from a local building, there aren't many instances where this would be applicable across every building.

Document Amendment (article)

Although this menu is available from the Base Building and performs in the same way as it does from a local building, there aren't many instances where this would be applicable across every building.

Inspections (article)

Although this menu is available from the Base Building and performs in the same way as it does from a local building, there aren't many instances where this would be applicable across every building.

Lot Improvements (article)

Although this menu is available from the Base Building and performs in the same way as it does from a local building, there aren't many instances where this would be applicable across every building.

Other Registers (article)

Although this menu is available from the Base Building and performs in the same way as it does from a local building, there aren't many instances where this would be applicable across every building.

Restricted Issues (article)

Although this menu is available from the Base Building and performs in the same way as it does from a local building, there aren't many instances where this would be applicable across every building.

Returned Mail (article)

Although this menu is available from the Base Building and performs in the same way as it does from a local building, there aren't many instances where this would be applicable across every building.

Bank Account Setup (article)

If the majority of the buildings are with the same bank, complete the common bank details in Base Account Setup. This will only have to change for buildings which have a different bank.

Body Corp. Manager & Body Corp Manager Maintenance (article)

This should be configured already, and shouldn't need to be changed in the Base Building.

Data Storage (article)

This menu performs in the exact same way as it does from any other building, or Master Chart. Purely used to back up the Base Building.

New Building (BCMax) (article)

This menu performs in the exact same way as it does from any other building, or Master Chart. The Base Building does not observe any information entered here or copy it to new buildings.

Transfer Building In (article)

This menu performs in the exact same way as it does from any other building, or Master Chart. The Base Building does not observe any information entered here or copy it to new buildings.

Trading Fund Setup (article)

This menu is used to set up any trading funds, such as Admin and Sinking/Capital Works/Maintenance, which are installed by default. Any additional funds that are common to new buildings should be entered here.


Restore Data (article)

This menu performs in the exact same way as it does from any other building, or Master Chart. The Base Building does not observe any information entered here or copy it to new buildings.