Bank Balances

The instructions in this article relate to Bank Balances. The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search.

This article covers the Bank Balances menu, which provides a quick preview of the selected building's bank account balances. 

A report can also be printed of the selected building bank balances. If the building has split banking configured, this will be listed. Another feature available within this area is an overdraft limit.

Print Bank Balances

  1. Search or select Bank Balances.
  2. For each bank account in a building, the following information will be listed:
    • Account Code:  the StrataMax general ledger account code.
    • Account Name: the StrataMax general ledger account name.
    • Balance: the balance of this account.
  3. To print this information in a report format, click Print.
  4. To view the account balance of another building, click the Change Building button, select the required building, and click OK.
  5. Click Close to exit.

A Total Bank A/c Balance is listed at the top of the screen for ease of calculation if Split Banking is configured. 

Bank Balances | Options Menu

View Overdraft Limit Entries

There is the ability to record an overdraft limit per building which can assist in ensuring that Users are prompted when creating a transaction that is going to exceed the bank balance. This facility is a warning only and does not allow the actual bank account to have an overdraft applied.

This will include a warning when creating Creditor Invoices that may overdraw the bank account, and also in Transaction Entry. The Overdraft Limit when set also displays within the Bank Balances screen.

Also included when this is set, is an on-screen confirmation via Payments which includes the bank balance and any overdraft limit that may have been applied from this area. 

  1. Search or select Bank Balances. 
  2. Select Options > View Overdraft Limit Entries > Insert.
  3. Enter the required value for the Overdraft > OK and enter a Reason > OK.
  4. Toggle Min GST will allow for a minimum balance to be set to include amounts owing for GST.
  5. Report will export the information into an Excel worksheet

Split Bank Setup

Refer to our article on Split Bank Account Setup for further details regarding Split Banking in StrataMax.


Will simply produce an on-screen report of the listed bank balances, which can then be printed, saved to DocMax, emailed, etc.