
This article covers Notes in StrataMax, which can be opened by clicking the Notes option in a number of menus or by using the Search field on the StrataMax desktop. By default this will open the Building Information menu with the Notes tab already selected. Notes is designed to store text information only; storing content that includes images should be done in DocMax.

There are multiple areas or menus in StrataMax where notes can be added. Although the information is different for each area, the functionality of the Notes menu is the same across the StrataMax. Here are a few of the main areas where notes are available: 

  1. Building Information
  2. Creditor Maintenance
  3. Roll
  4. Office Bearers

When a Note has been entered in a particular area, the Notes box will include an icon.

Configure Notes View

  1. Search or select Building Information.
  2. Click Notes.
  3. Select File and choose from the following:
    • Show All Notes - tick to display all notes (this include all buildings).
    • Display Newest at Top.

Configuring Subjects and Categories 

The Subject list is made up of all prior Subjects used when a Note is entered. Categories can be saved so they are available from the drop down arrow & may also be deleted if required.

  1. Search or select Building Information (or area that notes are stored). 
  2. Click Notes.
  3. Click Add to setup categories.
  4. Key into the Category field the desired description.
  5. Click the Save button.  
    - To remove a Category select the name and click the X delete button. If the Category has been used in your Notes you will not be able to delete the Category.
  6. Close the Note; this can be done without saving a new Note if required.

Adding Notes to StrataMax

Adding a note to any of the areas that a Note can be recorded within is the same as adding a note in the Roll.

  1. Search or select Building Information or click on Notes from relevant area such as Roll/ Creditor Maintenance etc).
  2. Click Add.
  3. Select from the Subject and the Category or create as required.
  4. Add your notes to the notepad area of the screen, or copy and paste from the source of information.
  5. Click Save or if you click on the x top right it will ask you if you want to save the note
  6. Close.

Automated Roll Notes

Notes are added to Roll records when the following activities occur.

  • Arrears Notice Issued. The note will include the Date, Type of Arrears and Arrears Fee charged.
  • Sales Certificate Issued. The note will include the type of Certificate issued and the Applicant details.

Edit Notes

Notes can be Edited if required; security permissions may restrict some users ability to do this.

  1. Click on Notes from relevant area.
  2. Select the Note.
  3. Click on Edit .
  4. Make changes to the Note and click on Save icon or close Note and select Yes to message.
  5. Close.

Delete Notes

Notes can be Deleted if required; security permissions may restrict some users ability to do this.

  1. Click on Notes from relevant area.
  2. Select the Note.
  3. Click on Delete and answer Yes when asked 'Are you Sure'?

Search Notes

Notes can be searched based on the specific area you open Notes from. In the example below, clicking on Search will allow a search of all Notes entered into the Roll for Account Code 02100001.

  1. Click on Notes from any area.
  2. Click on search field and start typing detail to locate - the list will return data with the information typed.

View Multiple Notes

Multiple notes can be displayed in the preview screen by holding the Shift or Ctrl key and selecting multiple notes.

Quick Print Notes

These instructions apply for printing the local building notes. There is an option to also do this globally via Reports / Utilities Global / Group Report.

  1. Search or select Quick Lists.
  2. From the list of data, click Notes.
  3. If required, click Old Year to include old year.
  4. To apply filters, click in the column for preferred filtering and right click Filter By: X. To undo this action, right click and Clear Filter. 
  5. Click Report to output the information to Excel.

Additional columns can be displayed by selecting File / Set Display Fields.

Global Notes

Notes can be reported for all / tagged buildings using Group Reports from the Global menu. The notes will report to Excel which allows sorting & filters to be used to limit what is reported.