Print Deposit Forms

The instructions in this article relate to Print Deposit FormsThe icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search

If you have received a cheque or cash in your office that needs to be deposited into the building's bank account, you can use the Print Deposit Forms menu to print a deposit slip for a selected account in StrataMax. This could be monies received for owner levies or insurance refunds, for example. These slips can be used to deposit the funds directly into the bank account at the bank branch or via StrataPay either at Aust Post (cheques) or sent to StrataPay. The benefit of using a deposit form to deposit funds into the bank account is that it will automatically reconcile to the selected account, removing the need to manually allocate the deposit in the Bank Reconciliation screen later.

A bank account is required, and the details need to be configured in the Bank Account Setup screen.

Bank Deposit Form - BOQ/SCM

Please note that it will no longer be possible to use StrataPay deposit slips to deposit cash at Australia Post branches. For cash deposits, please use the bank's deposit slip instead of the StrataPay deposit slip and visit the bank to make the cash deposit. To do this, you will need to change the deposit slip to the appropriate template by unticking 'StrataPay Deposit'. The Deposit Slip produced will be based on the Bank Account Setup for the property.  This allows you to deposit cheques or cash at any BOQ branch, or cheques can be sent to StrataCash as well.

  1. Search or select Print Deposit Form.
  2. Untick StrataPay Deposit.
  3. Select the Account for the deposit to post to when banked. 
  4. Drawer will be populated from the Account, this can be edited if required.
  5. Click the Bank selector and select the account to make the deposit against - the branch will be populated from the bank selection. 
  6. Add the Amount.
  7. Set the Deposit Date (today's date is pre-populated).
  8. Add Notes if required.
  9. Click Proceed.
  10. Print to Screen first or select Printer to print directly to the printer and click OK.

Bank Deposit Form - Any Bank

The Deposit Slip produced will be based on the Bank Account Setup for the property. This allows you to deposit cheques or cash at any bank. The Deposit Slip produced will be based on the Bank Account for the property. Add details as required and proceed.

  1. Search or select Print Deposit Form.
  2. Select the Account for the deposit to post to when banked. 
  3. Drawer will be populated from the Account, this can be edited if required.
  4. Click the Bank selector and select the account to make the deposit against - the branch will be populated from the bank selection. 
  5. Add the Amount.
  6. Set the Deposit Date (today's date is pre-populated).
  7. Add Notes if required.
  8. Click Proceed.

StrataPay Deposit Form

Please note that it will no longer be possible to use StrataPay deposit slips to deposit cash at Australia Post offices. For cash deposits, please use the bank's deposit form instead of the StrataPay deposit slip and visit the bank to make the cash deposit. To print a StrataPay deposit form use the following steps: 

  1. Search or select Print Deposit Form.
  2. Ensure StrataPay Deposit is ticked (by default).
  3. Select the Account for the deposit to post to when banked. 
  4. Drawer will be populated from the Account, this can be edited if required.
  5. Click the Bank selector and select the account to make the deposit against - the branch will be populated from the bank selection. 
  6. Add the Amount.
  7. Set the Deposit Date (today's date is pre-populated).
  8. Add Notes if required. 
  9. Click Proceed.
  10. Select to print to Screen first or select Printer to print directly to the printer and click OK.

Print a Deposit Form - Blank

A blank deposit form can be produced based on the Bank Account Setup and when banked the funds will not allocate automatically in the Bank Reconciliationan example may be an Insurance Claim cheque

  1. Search or select Print Deposit Form.
  2. Ensure Blank is ticked.
  3. Enter the Drawer details.
  4. Click the Bank selector and select the account to make the deposit against - the branch will be populated from the bank selection.
  5. Set the Deposit Date (today's date is pre-populated).
  6. Add Notes if required. 
  7. Click Proceed.
  8. Select to print to Screen first or select Printer to print directly to the printer and click OK.


Deposit Form Troubleshooting


Click the ‘History’ button to review data for deposit forms that have been printed previously.

StrataPay Ref Number Setup

Before printing a deposit slip, you will need to check that the 'StrataPay Ref Number' field in Building Information is populated. It should do this automatically when the building has a bank account number in the Bank Account Setup screen, lots present in the Roll, and is also included in the StrataMax menu to be uploaded daily. Still, it's best to check. If there is no StrataPay Ref Number, please contact our Support Team.