Contracts Register

The instructions in this article relate to the Contracts register. The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search.

This menu is for recording any contractual agreements the property has entered into. Depending on the property state this register may be required to be maintained and included with the state specific certificate(s).

We also have the Registers Video, which covers Contracts Register.

The Dashboard can be configured for 'Contract Register Expiry' to assist with monitoring and reporting on contract expiry date. 

Create New Contract Register Record

  1. Search or select Contracts.
  2. Click Cancel to close the list.
  3. Click New.
  4. Click Next Code and the Account Code will populate and you will need to add the Description.

  1. Click Add This One.
  2. Complete all the details (there are 31 fields however the mandatory fields are 4, 14, 15 and 16).
  3. To link to a document in DocMax, right click in field 31 Doc ID to launch DocMax and search for document.
  4. Click Select Document and Save. (A Id number will be entered into field 312).
  5. Click Save and Exit.

Edit or Delete a Contract Register Record

You can delete or edit a contract record locally.

  1. Search or select Contracts.
  2.  To edit, select the record and make the changes click Save.
  3. To delete, select the record and click the Delete button and answer yes to the questions, Delete this record?', 'Are you sure?'

Contracts Register Report

  1. Search or select Contracts.
  2. Click Cancel to close the list.
  3. Click Report.
  4. Set printing options as you require, and click OK to proceed
  5. The report will now be displayed, and available to print.

The Contracts Register dates use two digit dates therefore for example 10/03/32 may be interpreted as 10/03/1932 on some reports; this is based on a Microsoft Windows setting. Further information is available on the link - Report Troubleshooting

Certificates - Include Contracts Register Report

A Contracts Register Report can be configured to be included with Certificates. 

  1. Search or select Certificates.
  2. Select the Report Settings tab.
  3. Tick Print Contracts Register.
  4. If this report is required to be printed with each Certificate, click Always.