Meeting Hub Release Notes

This page contains the most recent Release Notes for Meeting Hub and VoteMax. A summary of the updates is provided below; however the release notes contain further details about updates and changes to the software. These updates may also contain minor fixes and enhancements to improve product stability and performance and are displayed on the last page of the release notes document.

Not all version releases will require release notes; if a version not listed below is installed, there are no specific release notes for that version.

If you encounter any issues while your software is being updated, please get in contact with the StrataMax Support Team at or on (07) 5575 7422.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting 2.6.1 | Released 13th June 2024

Motion to Accept Amendments

  • The standard motion type of ‘Motion to Accept Amendment’ has been enhanced to default to the category type to ‘Procedural’ when creating a new standard motion, but can still be changed.

Meeting Notice and Meeting Minutes

  • The date the meeting notice was last generated is now displayed on the ‘Meeting Details’ and the 'Meeting Overview' screens. Whilst the date the meeting minutes was last generated is now displayed on the 'Meeting Overview' screen.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting 2.6.0 | Released 20th May 2024

In-Meeting Management Enhancements for Committee Elections

  • There have been multiple enhancements made to the management of nominations for the ordinary position in Committee Election Motions. Please see page 3 onwards for full details of each enhancement.
  • The 'Overrule Result' screen has received multiple visual enhancements (including for Secret Ballots). Please see page 6 onwards for full details of each enhancement.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting 2.5.9 | Released 12th March 2024

Expand and collapse fields

  • The ‘Motion Details’ and ‘Standard Motion Details’ screens have been enhanced to allow the 'Body', 'Custom Resolution Body' fields to be expanded and collapsed when their contents are larger than the visible field space.

Linked same-issue motions are withdrawn with the group of same-issue motion

  • When you opt to withdraw a group of same-issue motions, a new popup will be displayed to advise that all linked same-issue motions will also be withdrawn.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting 2.5.8 | Released 16th February 2024

  • A change was implemented as part of the Online Voting Release 2.5.7 which prevented users from being able to duplicate standard motion titles and standard agenda item titles. The ability to use duplicate titles has now been re-instated.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting 2.5.7 | Released 23rd January 2024

Secret vote/ballot message updated in VoteMax

  • The message displayed in VoteMax for a secret vote/ballot has been updated to provide more guidance to voters.

Ballot only meeting indicator enhanced

  • The indicator that appears on the ‘Meetings’ page in Meeting Hub for ballot-only meetings has been updated to turn green when:
    • A majority of votes have been received for the meeting.
    • The meeting’s voting window has closed.

Copy a standard motions or standard agenda item

  • Standard motions and standard agenda items are now able to be copied in Meeting Hub.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting 2.5.6 | Released 4th December 2023

New indicator showing the number of votes received

  • A visual indicator has been added in the 'Active' section of the main ‘Meetings’ screen in Meeting Hub, to show whether the required number of votes have been received for the ballot only meeting.

Search functionality added to ‘Submitted By’ details

  • New functionality has been added to the ‘Motion Details’ screen in Meeting Hub to allow the ‘Submitted By’ details to be automatically populated via selecting a lot owner from a dropdown list.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting 2.5.5 | Released 3rd October 2023

Minor modifications to motions in 'Ballot Only' meetings

  • The Manage Agenda & Motion Details page has been enhanced when updating motions in ballot only type meetings, to ensure only minor modifications are made.

Enhancements to screens with scrolling capabilities

  • A new prompt has been introduced on Meeting Hub screens to advise the user when there are additional items in a list which are accessible by scrolling down.

Introduction of a description for 'Ballot Only' meetings

  • A description can now be captured for ballot only meetings via the 'Meeting Details' screen.

What's Better

  • WYSIWYG editors have been modified to ensure that all fields, including ones being displayed as read-only fields, appear as expected.
  • Enhancements have been made so that when the Motion Details page is accessed, the top of the page will be initially displayed.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting 2.5.4 | Released 30th August 2023

Motion outcomes are shown on motion number buttons

  • The In-Meeting Management page has been enhanced to show the outcome of a motion on the motion number buttons and the colours of the motion number buttons indicate the status of the motion. 

Standard meetings can be copied

  • A new 'Copy Meeting' button has been introduced on the Standard Meeting Details page to copy the standard meeting and all agenda items and motions.

What's Better

  • The Secret Vote modal has been enhanced to display the correct number of attendees that are eligible to vote.
  • Meeting Hub and VoteMax have been enhanced with the latest .NET 6.0 Security Patch Updates.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting 2.5.3 | Released 14th August 2023

Last insurance commission merge fields

  • A new merge field ‘Last Insurance Commission Amount Paid’ has been added to the WYSIWYG editor in Meeting Hub.

Committee Elections cannot be added to a committee meeting

  • 'Committee Elections' have been removed from the Type dropdown in the 'Motion Details' screen in Committee Meetings.

Meeting Hub Secret Ballot/Voting Template Enhancements | Release 3rd August 2023

OTS General Meeting Notice | Voting Paper

  • Motions requiring a secret vote will no longer appear in the Voting Paper section of the Notice document.

OTS General Meeting Notice | Secret Voting Paper

  • This release introduces a new optional secret voting paper which will be used to output any motions that require a secret vote.

For best results when outputting the voting paper and the secret voting paper it is advised that motions that require a secret vote are added at the end of the meeting agenda before the election of committee.

OTS General Meeting Notice | Election of Committee

  • The committee election template has been enhanced to cater for elections that require a secret ballot.

OTS General Meeting Minutes | Meeting Details and Motions

  • The meeting minutes template has been enhanced to allow motions that required a secret vote to be easily identified.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting 2.5.2 | Released 31st July 2023

Template Groups | Standard Meeting Export

  • Template Groups will no longer be included when standard meetings are exported.

New Merge Fields for Committee Numbers

  • New merge fields, ‘Motion Max Number on Committee’ and ‘Motion Min Number on Committee’, have been added to the template groups merge field list.

Meeting Status Update Prompt

  • When the meeting notice is distributed via the ‘Meeting Details’ page for a meeting with a status of ‘Agenda Finalised’, the user will now be prompted to update the meeting status to ‘Notice Issued’.
    When the meeting minutes are distributed via the ‘Meeting Overview’ page for a meeting with a status of ‘Meeting Held’, the user will now be prompted to update the meeting status to ‘Minutes Issued’.

Manage Agenda items & Motions Page Scroll Bar

  • A new scroll bar has been added to the ‘Manage Agenda Items & Motions’ screen, in Meeting Hub, that will auto scroll up or down when users want to drag and drop items on long lists.

Committee Nominees | New Button

  • A new button has been added next to each committee position listed on the ‘Committee Nomination Details’ page that will allow the manager to flag committee nominees that have been added from the floor during a meeting.

State, Regulatory Module and Plan Type

  • The building’s State, regulatory module and plan type details will now be saved for each meeting when it is created.

Cut, Copy and Paste Buttons

  • New Cut, Copy and Paste buttons have been added, to the toolbar, for all fields where the user can enter and format text, e.g., Motion Body, Explanatory Notes, Voting Instructions, etc.

Voting Method for Body Corporate Manager

  • When adding the Body Corporate Manager as a meeting attendee on the 'Add Attendance' page using the Office Bearer drop-down, the 'Voting Method' field will now default to 'Non-Voting Attendee'.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting 2.5.1 | Released 10th July 2023

  • Only fixes have been added in this release.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting 2.5.0 | Released 27th June 2023

Secret Vote or Secret Ballot

  • This major release of the Online Voting system introduces the ability to mark a motion as secret and to ensure that these motions are handled with integrity and anonymity within Meeting Hub, VoteMax and during Document Generation.

To take advantage of these enhancements you will need to be using BCMax version 5.6.83 and the latest template versions.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting 2.4.8 | Released 24th May 2023

  • Only fixes have been added in this release.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting 2.4.7 | Released 11th April 2023

Meeting Hub | Online Voting Register (OVR)

  • During the OVR export a new prompt will notify you of possible differences between motion outcomes in Meeting Hub and in the OVR.

Meeting Hub | Meeting close and open date

OTS Template Enhancements Version 1 | Released 29th March 2023

OTS Minutes Template Enhancements

  • Seven improvements have been introduced to the Meeting Hub OTS Minutes templates. Please see the last page in the release notes for details on each.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting 2.4.6 | Released 10th March 2023

  • Only fixes have been added in this release.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting 2.4.5 | Released 7th March 2023

  • Only fixes have been added in this release.

Meeting Hub & Online Voting 2.4.4 | Released 22nd February 2023

  • Only fixes have been added in this release.