Roll Submissions

The instructions in this article relates to Roll SubmissionsThe icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search.

Roll Submissions are a change of details that have been submitted by an owner through the StrataMax Portal via the My Info > My Details screen. For lots where there is a single contact on the Roll, any Portal account with access to the lot can perform a change of details. For lots that have multiple contact cards, the contact card with the matching email address will be able to submit a change of details. Owners have the option via the StrataMax Portal to;

  • Review current details for a property.
  • Change or add Home, Business, Mobile and Fax numbers. 
  • Change or add email addresses.
  • Change owner contact Delivery Preferences. 
  • Set whether Notice address or Levy only notice address is different to the Residential address. 
  • Set whether Committee and Meeting Notices should be sent (QLD only). 
  • Add a second submission even if pending submissions have not yet been approved.

It is important that the Roll Submissions screen is checked on a regular basis. There is a Dashboard tile available to display on your StrataMax Desktop to assist with identifying when roll updates have been submitted. An automatic notification for users in the security group 'Administrators' will display if a roll submission remains unprocessed for more than one month.

Roll Submission Video 

Dashboard for Roll Unprocessed Submissions

A Dashboard tile to show unprocessed Roll Submissions is available to add to the StrataMax Desktop. The tile will show any unprocessed Roll Submissions when selected and the data can also be exported to Excel. We recommend this Dashboard tile is added to the StrataMax Desktop to assist with identifying when roll updates have been submitted via the StrataMax Portal for review and processing. The Title is Roll Unprocessed Submissions. 


Roll Submissions Configuration | Security Setup

The ability to Edit the Configuration in Roll Submissions is controlled by permissions in Security Setup. This provides control over who can and can't adjust the configuration options which includes adjustable options so you can control how owners use the Roll Submissions features. The Roll Submission Configuration will be set to 'Deny' on upgrade and can be adjusted;

  1. Search or select Security Setup.
  2. Select user or Group name as required.
  3. Locate 'Roll Submission Configuration', right click to adjust security permissions and Close

Roll Submissions | Configuration

Roll Submissions is for managing roll adjustments submitted by owners from the StrataMax Portal. There are settings available to determine how owners use the Roll Submissions feature on the StrataMax Portal. If security is granted, you can control how owners use the Roll Submissions features;

  1. Search or select Roll Submissionsand click Configure.
    • Enabled - tick to allow owners to submit a change of details on the StrataMax Portal.
    • Allow owners to Change Delivery Preferences - tick to give owners the ability to change their delivery preferences on the StrataMax Portal.
    • Require Email Address - Requires owners to always specify an email address when making changes.
    • Allow Correspondence to Other - Allow selection of Agent / Mortgagee or Other for Correspondence and Notices. Please be aware that the Agent / Mortgagee or Other contact must already be recorded on the roll for the lot.
    • Auto Update Notice Date - Update the receipt of notice in the Roll for a contact if a change of details has been submitted on the portal. When configured, the Date of Receipt of Notice for the Roll contact (and any linked lots)  will be automatically updated upon acceptance of a Roll Submission. 

Roll Submissions | Overview

Roll Submissions is for managing roll adjustments submitted by owners from the StrataMax Portal. From this menu, configure StrataMax Portal options, Accept or Reject a submission, review pending changes, edit a contact and view recent history of changes. 

  1. Search or select Roll Submissions

a) Edit Contacts - If the details submitted by an owner need to be modified to match your standard formatting or if there is an obvious mistake, this can be completed by clicking the (i) option to edit the details manually, then click the (x) option to save and close the record before clicking Accept.

b) Configure - Settings available to determine how owners use the Roll Submissions feature. Refer to Roll Submissions | Configuration above.

c) Accept a Submission - View the 'Changes' column and then click Accept to update the contact card and/or delivery preference for the Lot. Once Accept has been clicked the record will be removed from the unprocessed submission screen.

d) Reject a Submission - View the Changes column and if the details do not look correct or require modification then click Reject to prevent the change to the Lot. Once Reject has been clicked the record will be removed from the unprocessed submission screen.

e) Changes - View the pending changes.

f) View Recent History - View History to see if a change has been accepted or rejected.

Process Roll Submissions | Quick Reference Guide

Roll Submissions is for reviewing any changes of details that have been submitted by owners through the StrataMax Portal. This is where you should check the details and accept, modify, or reject the submission.

  1. Search or select Roll Submissions.
  2. View the 'Changes' column and determine if the changes are to be accepted to update the contact card for the Lot, modified or rejected.
    • To modify formatting or spelling, click on the blue 'Info' icon in the 'Contacts' column, make your changes, then save and close the window.
  3. Click Accept to process the changes to the contact card, or Reject to reject the changes. Once completed, the record will be removed from the unprocessed submissions screen. 

View Historical Roll Submissions

Any Portal Submissions accepted or rejected are available to view within the ROLLED.LOG available via Log Viewer and will display the date and time stamp of what has occurred in StrataMax for the submitted change.

Tip: To save this search to use again, click Save Search As, create a description, and assign it to the User/Group. To load a previously saved search, click Load/Delete Search and select the blue arrow from the list to load these search parameters for searching.

  1. Search or select Log Viewer.
  2. Adjust the Category to ROLLED.LOG
  3. The current building will be included as a field of restriction. Remove this field to search all buildings.
  4. Refine any further fields for searching. Click Refresh to view the results.

Pending Roll Changes and Portal View

Roll changes that are submitted from Owners via the Portal are available to submit (based on this option being set to enable as described above) and will provide a submission ready to process in StrataMax via this Roll Submission area. The Dashboard item, Unprocessed Roll Submissions can also be used to alert for any new submissions. These pending roll changes will be available for the Owner to see from their User Account also, so it can be a timely exercise to process these. 

These Roll changes can only be submitted by the Owner and if the Roll records contains an agent or other contact type, these can be selected to receive correspondence and levies on behalf of the Owner.

If the Roll records have been split, the first roll record will be available to be amended and there will be a prompt on the account to contact the Strata Manager directly to provide updates for these additional Owner contacts.

View from the Owner's Login confirming the pending change (single owner)

View of split contact message from Owner's Login.