Inspections Register

The instructions in this article relate to the Inspections register. The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search.

The Inspections Register can be used to record details of any inspections for the building/property, eg: Workplace Health and Safety or Pest Inspections. This register offers the linking of DocMax Documents for quick reference and reporting. Reports on upcoming inspection Due Dates for individual Buildings or across the full portfolio can be produced from Search Inspections.

Creating New Inspection Type

  1. Search or select Inspections > Cancel.
  2. Click New.
  3. If this is the first code to be entered into the Master List enter 601 and the description and click Add This One. If you are adding further codes continue adding by clicking Next Code and entering the description.
  4. Click Add This One.
  5. Complete the fields. The Period and Next Due are mandatory fields.
  6. To link to a document in DocMax, right click in field 11 Report Doc ID to launch DocMax and search for document.
  7. Click Select Document and Save. (An Id number will be entered into field 11).
  8. Click Save and Exit.

Edit or Delete a Local Inspection Record

You can delete or edit an inspection record locally.

  1. Search or select Inspections.
  2. To Edit; select the record and make the changes click Save.
  3. To Delete; select the record and click the Delete button and answer yes to the questions, Delete this record?', 'Are you sure?'

Inspection Register Report (Local)

  1. Search or select Inspections.
  2. Select Report.
  3. Select Screen, Printer or Excel and click OK.

Note: Some Inspection Register Category information is output to the Building Information Report.  You can also report Inspection details and upcoming inspection dates for individual Buildings from Search Inspections.

Inspections Details Report (Global)

You can report Inspection details and upcoming inspection dates for individual Buildings or across the full portfolio from Search Inspections.