Reports / Utilities (Global) | Custom Queries

Instructions in this article relate to Custom Queries, which is an option in the Group menu Reports/Utilities Global. The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search.

Custom Queries may be produced for specific a Management Office, Strata Manager, State, or buildings.  All Custom Queries are produced in Excel for greater sorting functionality. When selecting buildings the filter can be used to select only lost buildings, buildings for a specific manager etc.

Generating a Custom Query Report

The report will automatically open in Excel, so there is no requirement to set ‘Print to’ options.

  1. Search or select Reports / Utilities Global. 
  2. Click Group to open the Groups Reports window.
  3. Select Custom Queries (scroll down the list a little bit)then click OK.

  4. Click the Select Buildings button on the right, then in Building List tag the required building/s and click OK.
  5. Click the Proceed button on the right, and the Custom Queries list will appear.
  6. Select the Custom Query report required and click OK.
  7. Please refer to the instructions below for specific details on each report available.

Arrears Worksheet / Arrears Worksheet Summarised Other

This query will provide a consolidated Account Dissection report based on the report settings selected in the Options screen. The ‘Arrears Worksheet’ will include the balances for each Invoice Field (additional funds) instead of consolidating to ‘Other’.

The following configuration options will now display, tick the required options and click Close.

Example of Arrears Worksheet / Arrears Worksheet Summarised Other:

Bank Account Statistics

This query will produce a report for the bank account details for specific account codes, as well as specifically tagged fields from Building Information.

  1. Tag the fields that you would like to include from Building Information, click OK.
  2. Tag fields from the Bank Account to be included in the report, click OK.
  3. To include any investment accounts in the report, use the following screen to insert the Investment Account/s. To do so, click 'Insert' and select the investment account and click OK, repeat for each investment account required.  
  4. Press OK to run report – the report will open in Excel.

If the bank account total is not matching, check that the building has the master chart investment account codes available.

Example of Bank Account Statistics Report:

The report screen shot is split into two sections due to the number of columns in the report.

Bank Details for all Selected Banks

This report is primarily for the reporting of information of all banks.

  1. Tag the bank/s. 
  2. Click OK.

Committee Extract

This query will produce a report for tagged fields from the Office Bearer’s menu, including or excluding resigned members for the selected buildings.

  1. Tag the required fields to produce the report.
  2. To exclude resigned – Press Exclude Resigned. 
  3. Click OK.

Example of Committee Extract Report: 

Creditor Maintenance

This query will produce a report for tagged fields from the Creditor Maintenance button, for the selected buildings.

  1. Tag the required fields to produce the report.
  2. Click OK.

Creditor Payments Volume

This query will produce a report for all selected buildings for a specific period

  1. Tag All or Specific Creditor Account Codes to report.
  2. Click OK.

GLMax Debtor Compare

This report will compare the GLMax Body Corporate Management Debtors balance to the BCMax Creditor record balance.  This report will only be 100% effective if the GLMax Company is reconciling the Debtor receipts via the GLMax Bank Account, it will however provide a quick report to determine the amount unpaid to the GLMax Company from the BCMax Buildings.

This report does not require any specific settings.

  1. Select GLMax Debtor Compare.
  2. If there is more than one management company set in GLMax, select the appropriate company.

General Ledger Transactions

This report is for extracting individual transactions for a certain period, set to specific criteria as required.

  1. Select General Ledger Transactions
  2. Enter a Start and Finish Date.
  3. Select the Report Order: Click either Building Number /Building Name / Account Code.
  4. Click on Select Account Codes, Tag account codes required to report and click OK.
  5. Click on Transaction Types, only Tag transaction Types to report those only and click OK. (No need to tag all to report all, this will be automatic).
  6. Click on Set fields from Building Info, then tag required fields and click OK.
  7. Click on Set fields from Transactions, then tag required fields and click OK.
  8. Click Proceed.

Example of General Ledger Transaction Report:

This example shows all the ‘Interest Received’ transactions for a particular Building for a particular period as well as including Financial Year End from Building Info.

Insurance Claims Report

This report will generate a global report for Insurance Claims and can be defined by the status of a claim and may include fields from Building Information.

  1. Click on the Insurance Claim Status required.
  2. Enter the Start and Finish Dates.
  3. In Report Order: select either Building Number or Building Name.
  4. Click the ellipsis [...] button to select an insurer, click on the Insurer and click OK.
  5. Tick Report in Excel to produce the report in Excel.
  6. Click Set Fields from Building Info, then tag required fields and click OK.
  7. Click Set Fields from Claims, then tag required fields and click OK.
  8. Click Set Fields from Claim Events, then tag required fields and click OK.
  9. Click Proceed.

Example of Insurance Claims Report:

Insurance Extract

  1. Tag fields required to report and click OK.

Last BAS/ ATO Report

This report will show the Last BAS period end, amount, ATO Creditor Code and ATO Creditor balance.

  1. This report does not require any specific settings – click Proceed.

Example  of LAST BAS/ ATO Report:

Levy Records with Paid Dates

This report will detail, by account, levies raised for each fund, date of generation, amount for each fund and payment / balance details.  The ‘Show Summary’ will consolidate this information for each Building instead of each account.

  1. Enter the 'Start Date' and click OK.
  2. 'Show in Excel' will report all information shown; or for a summary click Show Summary, then click Show in Excel.

Month End Dates

This will report the Building Name, Number Financial Year End and the Last Month End.

  1. This report does not require any specific settings – click Proceed.

Example of Month End Dates Report:

New Development (NSW) Initial Period

This report is for reporting on New Developments in NSW to determine if the Initial Period has passed.  The initial period is determined when more than 1/3 of the entitlements have been sold /transferred.  This will assist to calculate the latest date for the First AGM which is two months after the transfer date that created the Initial Period.  The report shows the aggregate entitlements, total of transferred entitlements, date of 1/3 transfer and also the last date that the AGM can be held –i.e. 2 months after 1/3 transfer. The ‘First Annual General Meeting’ date in Building Info must be blank.

Example of New Development (NSW) Initial Period Report:

Overdraft Report

This will report the balance of the Cash at Bank, Overdraft Amount and reason for the same.

Example of Overdraft Report:

Owner Extract

This report will allow all Owners / Agent records to be extracted, based on specific fields from the Roll and can include StrataPay Reference Numbers, Mail Out Preferences (including Agents), Email Address, Lot Address Editor and Owner Tax Report preferences. The report is useful if wanting to identify what lots a Real Estate Agent manages as these can be reported on separate lines if Include Agents is selected.

  1. Search or select Reports / Utilities Global. 
  2. Click the Group menu, and the list of Groups Reports will appear.
  3. Select Custom Queries (scroll down the list a little bit)then click OK, which will close the list.
  4. Click the Select Buildings button on the right, then in Building List tag the required building/s and click OK.
  5. Click the Proceed button on the right, and the Custom Queries list will appear.
  6. Select Owner Extract (scroll down the list a little bit) and click OK.
  7. The window with the Tag Fields for Report  list will appear, so tag the required fields to include in the report.
  8. Some of the labels on the buttons on the right side are dynamic and will change when you click them. For example, clicking the 'Exclude Agents' button will change it to 'Include Agents'. This means that Agent information will be excluded from the extract. This is how to toggle between including and excluding the additional information.

  9. When ready, click OK and the extract will open in Excel. You must use the 'Save As' option for saving so that you can choose where to the the .xlsx file.

Payment Statistics

This report has been replaced by Search Creditor Invoice Items.  Search Creditor Invoice Items allows for customisable search criteria to be created and saved including date ranges, building details, supplier/creditor details, payment details, and more.

Unpresented Cheques (EFT) & Credits Report

This report has been removed from Custom Queries can is now located here as Unpresented Payments and Receipts Report. This report can be produced to assist with identifying stale cheques, receipts that have been presented at the Bank,  Payments that might not have been processed correctly.  This report should be generated prior to Financial Year End Rollover to assist with any adjustments which might be required.