Updated Articles

  1. Business Activity Statement Updated

    The instructions in this article relate to Business Activity Statement  and Income Activity Statement  and the tax types available in StrataMax .  The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax S...
  2. GST, Tax & Wages | FAQ Updated

    The below page includes some of the most frequently asked questions about GST and Tax. GST and BAS Why does the BAS have a variance? The GST Clearing account total balance on the Balance Sheet at the end of each period, should match what...
  3. Invoice Hub Process Updated

    Before you can submit invoices to the Invoice Hub, you must first enable it for that specific building and configure some settings. This article provides a summary of the configurations required. Uploading invoices to the Portal will be done on a ...
  4. Invoice Hub | Introduction Updated

    The instructions in this article relate to Invoice Hub.  The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search . The Invoice Hub offers a controlled method for Strata Managers to upload invoice...
  5. Accounting & Taxation Videos Updated

    The videos in this article relate to accounting and taxation . These include topics such as account code maintenance, BAS processing, financial reporting, GST setup, journals, month end rollovers, dashboard management, and more. The video link...
  6. Owners & Debtors Videos Updated

    The videos in this article relate to owners and debtors . These include topics such as certificates, merge letters, roll management, contact management, and more. Certificates Video Issuing a state specific Certificate with a ...
  7. Invoice Hub | Troubleshooting Updated

    The instructions in this article relate to Invoice Hub.  The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search . For any areas that require troubleshooting, please review the below to understand ...
  8. Invoice Hub | Setup & Configuration Updated

    The instructions in this article relate to Invoice Hub.  The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search . Before the Invoice Hub can be used, it must be activated, and then the default app...
  9. StrataMax Release Notes Updated

    This page contains the most recent release notes for the StrataMax product. A summary of the updates is provided below, however the release notes contain further details about updates and changes to the software. These updates may also contain min...
  10. Roll Submissions Updated

    The instructions in this article relates to Roll Submissions .  The icon may be located on your StrataMax Desktop or found using the StrataMax Search . Roll Submissions are a change of details that have been submitted by an ...