System Support Tools

There are some features and functions in StrataMax that are to be used only with the guidance of the StrataMax Support Team.  Some of these may be accessible and limited content is outlined below.

Please contact on should you require clarification of any of the below items.  

Support only Tools

These are areas that in StrataMax that may either

  • require a password to access
  • allow review only and a password to edit details

These are StrataMax Support Team ONLY functions.

  • Audit Check
  • Universal Record Editor

System Tools

Limited details below will provide information related to the use of the feature.  These areas are for use with special circumstances and it is recommended that an Administrator assists (with a secure data storage in place where possible) or please contact for further information.

Do Not Click

This will create a error dialog screen to be used for troubleshooting purposes to submit to StrataMax Support.

Field Display Editor

This is a function that may amend the view of some columns in some screens.  This is likely to be removed in an upcoming version and is not recommended for use without instruction.

Levy Renumber

This feature can be used to view all levies that have been entered into Levy Management in all years where data is available.  Using Levy Re-number is not recommended without the help of the Support Team.  This may cause issues with direct debits and receipting if used incorrectly.

Re-initialise Bank Statements

Re-Initialise Bank Statements is for re-initialising the current bank statement number. This function will delete all old statements data. Please contact our Support Team for further assistance.

Un-liquidated Claims Register

This feature was previously used by Queensland Buildings in relation to recording amounts due for recovery of arrears.  Legislation changes have now made this obsolete.