Edit Invoice List 5.5

The Edit Invoice List menu is where invoice codes are created in GLMax for each chargeable item type. These invoice codes can be used to charge through Invoice Entry in GLMax, through TRMax for additional charges and services, or they can be used to charge regular Management Fees. They are also used in the automatic charging via Export Pages Printed.

These invoices codes can have a set dollar value to charge for fixed charges that are on a reoccurring basis (tax returns, BAS preparation fees), fixed charges on a usage basis (pages printed, hourly rate, certificates etc.) or left as a zero dollar value for those items that have may have a variable charge between buildings (management fees). 

These invoice codes must be linked to a GLMax income code, which is then linked to a StrataMax expense code in each building. This will allow any charges to a building to be reported on the GLMax income code, and also reported on the buildings Financial Statement under the expense code. The link between GLMax and StrataMax is a two-step process; The first step is to create the invoice codes and have them linked to a GLMax income code, and the second step is done in the Invoice Link Manager menu where the GLMax income code is linked to a StrataMax expense code.

There will be master copy of the invoice lists available at install and this article explains how to add or edit an invoice code.

Creating a New Invoice Code

In the GLMax company, ensure that the income code exists in the GLMax chart of accounts via the Add/Change/Delete menu.

It's important to consider whether the unit price entered should include GST or not whilst entering new invoice codes.

  1. Open the Edit Invoice List menu.
  2. Consider where in the list the new invoice code should be placed, then select the invoice code which will be either before or after the new invoice code.
  3. Click Add, then click Insert Before or Insert After, which will position the new code either before or after the highlighted invoice code.
  4. Enter the name of the recovery item in the Title field.
  5. Enter the amount to be charged for this item, which will be the unit price when entering a new TRMax Recovery. If the item is has a variable cost and will be charged at the time of entering, enter the amount as 0.00.
  6. Select the income code from the list of accounts and click OK.
  7. Once the list has been finalised, click Report is required to export to Excel.

Editing an Invoice Code

  1. In the GLMax company, search or select Edit Invoice List.
  2. Locate the Invoice Code to edit, highlight and click Select.
  3. Edit the title, amount of Income Code and click OK.

Changing the Sort Order of Invoice Codes in TRMax

If you have your invoices in Numerical order and want to show the list in Alphabetical, sort them and then highlight one invoice and click Select and click OK, close and then reopen and this will hold the order. The order will show in TRMax when selecting the invoice code for charging.

Link Income Code in GLMax to BCMax

Invoice Link Manager links the GLMax income code to a BCMax expense code. This is also where the building (debtors) in GLMax is linked to the Creditor code in BCMax for your management company. These links allow for the invoicing between GLMax and BCMax to be automated. 

Prior to applying any links between BCMax and GLMax both the income code (GLMax) and expense code (BCMax) will need to have been created in Add/Change/Delete. Refer to our article on Invoice Link Manager.